Forum on Inequality and Diversity (ForumDD)

The Forum on Inequality and Diversity is an alliance of active citizens’ organizations and researchers aimed at producing and disseminating research, policy proposals and “methods for decision making” which can enhance social and environmental justice, defined as sustainable substantive freedom. It was launched in February 2018 and now counts more than 110 members and project partners. It relies on financing from some Foundations and it collected 80 thousand euros through a crowd-funding closed in October 2022. The Forum operates through advocacy, alliances with social and labour organizations, a heated and informed dialogue with public institutions and pilot projects at local level.
A video and some slides present our mission and vision.


The Italian website (daily updated) contains all the information and our Reports and policy proposals. Some material is available in English in this section. Among others:


The highlighted words are linked to a “Wiki-Forum”,
a glossary that provides their explanations that can be read only in Italian.

We are leaving X because it has been turned by its owner Elon Musk into a propaganda machine for his power objectives, which is a threat to democracy

Forum on Inequality and Diversity

The ‘Draghi Plan’ is not good for Europe, does not enhance its strengths, and promotes the kind of growth that neglects social and environmental justice. This assessment emerges from our extensive critical analysis of the ‘Draghi Plan’ strategy. As shown by the Mission Letters to the Commissioners-designate, the Plan has already deeply penetrated in the European agenda. ForumDD proposes instead to use it, before it is implemented, to promote a public, informed and open debate on the future of the Union. The document is the collaborative result of a group of experts from the ForumDD and reflects the ideas and proposals of the volume, ‘Which Europe’, now available in English edited by Elena Granaglia and Gloria Riva, published by Donzelli Editore

Forum on Inequality and Diversity

The David McWilliams Podcast in the episode titled "How Italy became anti-fragile" hosts Fabrizio Barca, co-coordinator of the Forum on Inequality and Diversity

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
Building a permanent science-driven public infrastructure that would perform both biomedical research and development, with the mission to deliver affordable medical innovation to everyone: a detailed proposal, originally born within the ForumDD and today supported by a wide range of very high-level scientists and civic organisations all over Europe, was discussed and taken very seriously on 28 September in the European Parliament at the request of the Science and Technology Assessment Panel

Fabrizio Barca, co-coordinator of the Forum on Inequality and Diversity, spoke at the event organized by the FEPS "Recovery Watch. Public Conference on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan". The ForumDD was asked to put forward its vision and proposals of social and environmental justice to Europe

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
28th Semptember 2022, STOA Workshop “Creation of a public European medicines infrastructure: Purpose and feasibility”

Building a permanent science-driven public infrastructure that would perform both biomedical research and development, with the mission to deliver affordable medical innovation to everyone: a detailed proposal, originally born within the ForumDD and today supported by a wide range of very high-level scientists and civic organisations all over Europe, was discussed and taken very seriously on 28 September in the European Parliament at the request of the Science and Technology Assessment Panel

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
Pills of Hope… even from Italy

ForumDD was asked to present its vision and proposals towards social and environmental justice in a EU event organised by FEPS “Recovery Watch. Public Conference on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”, with the aim of making use of them in a common effort to radically change the current life and labour paradigm

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
La proposta dell’eredità universale del ForumDD al confronto “Real Utopias for a Social Europe: Universal Benefits” della Commissione Europea

Salvatore Morelli, ricercatore all'Università di Roma Tre e membro del coordinamento del ForumDD, ha presentato la proposta del ForumDD di istituire un’eredità universale, incondizionata e accompagnata durante un seminario organizzato dalla Commissione Europea

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità
September 26, 2022. What we can today and then tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

The highest abstention rate ever and the outcome of the vote are the result of a striking gap between the country's vibrancy and its translation into political-organizations. The ForumDD, as many other organizations, will continue to design and advocate for rigorous and radical proposals with even greater vigour, thanks to a strategy of alliances: mission alliances, alliances to strengthen society’s voice, to rise the demand for a "party of social and environmental justice" that does not exist, alliances with those members of Parliament that do search for a continuous link with society.

The Board of the Forum on Inequality and Diversity

Articolo pubblicato sul sito The Progressive Post e discusso alla conferenza internazionale "Reset! Towards digital, climate and regional justice" organizzata da Foundation for European Progressive Studies, S&D - Group Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, PES - Socialist and Democrats, Partij van de Arbeid. 

Fabrizio Barca

In this essay we summarize the strategy for a fairer future put forward by the ForumDD. While some cases are specific to Italy, the commonality of the problems have led us to believe our blueprint to be useful for a wider audience. In what follows, we identify the main inequalities and structural weaknesses brought to the fore by the crisis. Despite the systemic uncertainty still with us, we also attempt to pin down the social, economic, and institutional trends triggered by the crisis. This allows us to identify the many bifurcations ahead of us and to propose seven short-term actions and five strategic objectives supported by concrete proposals.

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità

Inspired by Anthony Atkinson’s Programme for Action

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità
The National Recovery and Resilience Plans: assessing to improve

On 15th December, FEPS and partners organise a public event focusing on: “The National Recovery and Resilience Plans: assessing to improve” at the CNEL in Rome. This public seminar offers the opportunity to present to the Italian public the first results of the “Recovery Watch”- promoted by the FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies) in partnership with FES and IEV and with the support of Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità, and to understand how the recovery and resilience plans will shape the transformation of our society

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità


Giovanni Carrosio, Gloria Cicerone, Alessandra Faggian, Giulia Urso


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Linnea Nelli, Maria Enrica Virgillito, Andrea Roventini


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We are leaving X because it has been turned by its owner Elon Musk into a propaganda machine for his power objectives, which is a threat to democracy

Forum on Inequality and Diversity

The ‘Draghi Plan’ is not good for Europe, does not enhance its strengths, and promotes the kind of growth that neglects social and environmental justice. This assessment emerges from our extensive critical analysis of the ‘Draghi Plan’ strategy. As shown by the Mission Letters to the Commissioners-designate, the Plan has already deeply penetrated in the European agenda. ForumDD proposes instead to use it, before it is implemented, to promote a public, informed and open debate on the future of the Union. The document is the collaborative result of a group of experts from the ForumDD and reflects the ideas and proposals of the volume, ‘Which Europe’, now available in English edited by Elena Granaglia and Gloria Riva, published by Donzelli Editore

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
Download the PDF


Francesco Corti – Christian Morabito – Tomas Ruiz – Patrizia Luongo


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The David McWilliams Podcast in the episode titled "How Italy became anti-fragile" hosts Fabrizio Barca, co-coordinator of the Forum on Inequality and Diversity

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
Building a permanent science-driven public infrastructure that would perform both biomedical research and development, with the mission to deliver affordable medical innovation to everyone: a detailed proposal, originally born within the ForumDD and today supported by a wide range of very high-level scientists and civic organisations all over Europe, was discussed and taken very seriously on 28 September in the European Parliament at the request of the Science and Technology Assessment Panel

Fabrizio Barca, co-coordinator of the Forum on Inequality and Diversity, spoke at the event organized by the FEPS "Recovery Watch. Public Conference on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan". The ForumDD was asked to put forward its vision and proposals of social and environmental justice to Europe

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
Download the PDF
Download the PDF
28th Semptember 2022, STOA Workshop “Creation of a public European medicines infrastructure: Purpose and feasibility”

Building a permanent science-driven public infrastructure that would perform both biomedical research and development, with the mission to deliver affordable medical innovation to everyone: a detailed proposal, originally born within the ForumDD and today supported by a wide range of very high-level scientists and civic organisations all over Europe, was discussed and taken very seriously on 28 September in the European Parliament at the request of the Science and Technology Assessment Panel

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
Pills of Hope… even from Italy

ForumDD was asked to present its vision and proposals towards social and environmental justice in a EU event organised by FEPS “Recovery Watch. Public Conference on the National Recovery and Resilience Plan”, with the aim of making use of them in a common effort to radically change the current life and labour paradigm

Forum on Inequality and Diversity
La proposta dell’eredità universale del ForumDD al confronto “Real Utopias for a Social Europe: Universal Benefits” della Commissione Europea

Salvatore Morelli, ricercatore all'Università di Roma Tre e membro del coordinamento del ForumDD, ha presentato la proposta del ForumDD di istituire un’eredità universale, incondizionata e accompagnata durante un seminario organizzato dalla Commissione Europea

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità
September 26, 2022. What we can today and then tomorrow and the day after tomorrow

The highest abstention rate ever and the outcome of the vote are the result of a striking gap between the country's vibrancy and its translation into political-organizations. The ForumDD, as many other organizations, will continue to design and advocate for rigorous and radical proposals with even greater vigour, thanks to a strategy of alliances: mission alliances, alliances to strengthen society’s voice, to rise the demand for a "party of social and environmental justice" that does not exist, alliances with those members of Parliament that do search for a continuous link with society.

The Board of the Forum on Inequality and Diversity

Articolo pubblicato sul sito The Progressive Post e discusso alla conferenza internazionale "Reset! Towards digital, climate and regional justice" organizzata da Foundation for European Progressive Studies, S&D - Group Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, PES - Socialist and Democrats, Partij van de Arbeid. 

Fabrizio Barca

In this essay we summarize the strategy for a fairer future put forward by the ForumDD. While some cases are specific to Italy, the commonality of the problems have led us to believe our blueprint to be useful for a wider audience. In what follows, we identify the main inequalities and structural weaknesses brought to the fore by the crisis. Despite the systemic uncertainty still with us, we also attempt to pin down the social, economic, and institutional trends triggered by the crisis. This allows us to identify the many bifurcations ahead of us and to propose seven short-term actions and five strategic objectives supported by concrete proposals.

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità

Inspired by Anthony Atkinson’s Programme for Action

Forum Disuguaglianze e Diversità

Time is over. Let's act now.
A radical agenda to give power back to people.